Relieving poverty

Relieving poverty and hunger in sub-Saharan Africa

Putting an end to poverty and hunger

Poverty exacts a devastating toll on those it affects. Poverty is responsible for hunger, thirst, unemployment, unsafe and unsanitary living conditions, and crime. At Global Action For Development, our mission is to provide invaluable aid to those affected by this most terrible of afflictions. We aim to provide access to safe water, sustainable ways of producing the food that communities need, as well as access to employment and education.  With your help, we can achieve this.

How does poverty affect Africa?

Some eye-opening facts about poverty and hunger in Africa
  • More people live in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa than anywhere else. 413 million people live on less than £1.50 a day
  • 319 million people in sub-Saharan Africa do not have access to a reliable drinking source
  • Africa has the second largest number of undernourished people in the world
  • In 2018, 239.1 million people in sub-Saharan Africa were undernourished
  • 22.8% of the sub-Saharan African population is undernourished
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